Love is a decision, a verb and it takes work.

Love is an action, an intention, and a job but in a feeling-based society, we are not encouraged to take responsibility for how we love and are loved.

Romantic love., creates lust, attraction, and attachment and turns on the dopamine and serotonin neurotransmitters stimulating good feelings or obsession whereas pure love is our innate birthright an experience of well-being that is built on awareness.

To experience love, we need to feel well in our bodies, in our minds and in our perceptions. Without the experience of love, there cannot be the action of love.

When we become aware of our body, our feelings and our mental processes, we can find harmony between our body, our energy, our consciousness, and our feelings. We are then calm, our minds still and a natural feeling of well-being can arise, this is the essence of unconditional love. Once we have found this love, we have to nurture it, sustain it and extend it. There is no use finding love and keeping it for ourselves. We need to share the love.

Genuine, unconditional love forms the basis for experiencing and developing immeasurable compassion, joy, and equanimity.

If we develop metacognition, awareness and understanding of our thoughts and processes we can decide to love and find a state of basic unconditional love which is beyond thoughts, moods and emotions.

Love is a process, a path.

#beinghuman #love #job


