We humans love labels.

I don’t mean the brand variety but the habit our minds have of putting a label on everything and everyone. These labels rarely have much to do with reality but are part of our eternal search for a perfect world, a world only filled with the labels we like, be they black or white, gay or straight, left or right, good or bad...

But what use do all these labels actually serve?

Labels and our endless habit of labelling everything really gets human beings into trouble. Be it by creating suffering for ourselves or creating suffering for others, labels are behind segregation, discrimination, conflict and even war. But how can we navigate a modern world of seemingly endless choices unless we know what to like or not like?

We need to learn when and where labels are useful, where they serve and help humanity and where they don't. Where our labels help us get closer to truth and where our labels take us away from the truth. Labels are both our problem and our solution.

When we learn to watch our labels and not let them run a mock, we see an unbiased, fairer, kinder world that we can enjoy more and more each day. We give ourselves and others parole from label prison and free to live a life on the outside.

#brandstrategy #brand #beinghuman


