We are in a chronic disease epidemic.

For centuries scientists believed we humans were the highest and best genetic code on earth. We created a way of living that isolated us from the genetic environment around us, radicalised the virome and ignored the devastation we were creating in the microbiome of the soil, the rain and the air we breathe.

But to be human, to be alive is a story of a complex eco system, a system that lives physically in us. Self is actually a diverse, beautiful, curious connection to nature, the nature within us all. We are malleable, plastic, curious possibilities rather than a distinct identity even at our gene level and this massive life in us makes us much greater than our mere single self or our species.

Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells and inside these cells are mitochondria. They convert the food we eat and the air we breathe into a special type of fuel that generates the energy our cells need to keep us healthy and alive. Literally. The microbiome of our gut relies on bacteria to help the mitochondria generate the energy needed to repair and regenerate. For our bodies to be performing at their best, we need our mitochondria to be performing at their best too. When the rate of repair goes below the rate of injury, we develop chronic disease.

We need deep, diverse, communication and conversations with nature as we swap information at this genetic and mitochondria level. But it Is estimated 50% of the complexity and diversity of life on earth has been lost in the last 40 years under the pressure of human behaviour. In our isolation, in our lack of deeper communication we have created chronic disease we could never have dreamed of.

To be healthy we need to stop isolating ourselves, stop demonising disease and listen to what disease is telling us: We need to stop the war on biodiversity, rebel against the extinction of the microbiome and understand to be a creative, curious human being is to be an expression of nature itself.

#biodiversity #creative #beinghuman


