We all spend a lot of time trying to be normal, to look normal, talk normal, act normal and find other normal people to be normal with.

But the world is a weird and wonderful place and we are all weird and wonderful people. When we cultivate our weirdness, celebrate our weirdness and embrace our weirdness, life is …wonderful.

We all know how easy it is to get caught up in the monotony of daily life, moving from one habit to another, only to do it all over again tomorrow. Being weird is a perfect antidote, reminding us there is so much more to life than normal. Being weird is exciting, energising, enjoyable, enlightening…

Being weird shocks us out of the habits that make us close off to life. When we embrace our weirdness, we become fascinated by our differences as we also embrace how weird who we think we are, what we do, what we think and what we believe actually is!

Being weird helps us challenge what we think we like and what we think we don’t like. We become more alive, aware and attuned to our own needs and the needs of others.

Being weird helps us become better, bigger, braver people and to live better lives.

We all can find wisdom in weirdness as we wonder and wander in our wonderful, wise and weird world.  

#beinghuman #create #philosophy


