We are at a moment of humanitarian and planetary crisis, a moment of tragedy.

We humans love to consume. But our collective, consumption, actions and behaviours have negatively impacted our planet to the point that we, the human race, face potential extinction.

Our collective consumption is outpacing the sustainable capacity of the ecosystem. This, combined with massive overpopulation has led to biodiversity loss, deforestation, desertification, unprecedented climate change, habitat destruction, Holocene extinction, ocean acidification, ozone depletion, pollution both through both waste and water all leading to a mass depletion of resources as more and more of us gravitate to urban habitats to swarm, sprawl and destroy.

We face global challenges of poverty, debt, employment and economic inequality. There is disparity in food, water, health and education. There are conflicts around issues of democracy, fairness and human rights. A global, mental health crisis driven by a male dominated, digital, artificial ‘intelligent’, big data industry, dominates our communication, media and collective narratives as, the males of our species relentlessly hunt more power, more money, more data and the next digital unicorn.

The Aristotelian idea of a noble, entitled, male hero who only ever suffers because of a tragic flaw is embedded in the ideology of the patriarchal, globalised, entertainment, media and technology industry. The negative impact of this dominant cultural narrative, on our collective, global tragedy, both consciously and subconsciously, should not be underestimated.

The dominance of the patriarchy, the narrative of the noble, male hero has led the planet to the brink of extinction as we continue to be dominated by economies, philosophies and beliefs that harm us all.

It is time to move beyond our tragic flaws and tell a new story.

#environment #technology #media


