20% of humanity, during their lifetime, will have some form of depression. Depression is the common cold of mental illness. In our society, drugs and therapy are the go-to solution for any professional, mental health attempts to make the 20% "happy" again.

But are we getting this wrong? In a post COVID world where we are still spending so much time with our screens, did the global pandemic teach us nothing or is the solution social, I mean really social?

Our minds are in our brains, our brains are in our body, our bodies are in the world and our world is in our universe. We are innately, utterly and completely deeply and intimately connected and dependent on each other.

So, is the cure for depression and the source of happiness simple? Is the answer to think about ourselves in a different way? To explore ways to live with and for other people and our beautiful planet?

Is the solution to turn around the immortal words of Ru Paul, "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" and start to ask, "If you can't love somebody else, how in the hell are you gonna love yourself?"

Is learning to love and accept others even those who don’t look, think, believe or talk like us the solution?

Is the cure for depression generosity, compassion and love?

Is it time to rescue and reclaim social from big tech and get off our screens and arses and create a network of looks, smiles, hugs, conversations, laughter, kindness and empathy?

Is the answer to happiness and the cure for depression social?

#mentalhealth #tech #society


