Humanity has a new form of pollution, digital pollution or world, wide waste.

Digital technologies have a serious carbon footprint, not just the making and disposal of the devices, but also their digital use.

Technology is ubiquitous and from morning to night we are digital dependents also pollute our minds, beliefs and collective ability to act with wisdom and compassion.

We have a pandemic of data and 90% of it is crap. Storing the crap on a cloud is 200 times more energy intensive than storing it on a hard drive and with digital pollution creating 3.7% of CO2 emissions globally, 50% more than air transport, we all need to change.

If you are reading this, you, like me are helping to pollute, harm, and warm our world.

Big tech and users of Big Tech, all of us need to adopt more sustainable, cleaner, greener practices in our digital lives. We need to face the fact that digital life, like real life, involves death and dying. At some stage data must die and believing we all can live forever is not wise.

Digital pollution is real and we humans need to find a way to purify our digital minds, body and souls from our digital addiction.

#beinghuman #technology #sustainability


