Music is my first love….

I am blessed to work across cultural sectors be it TV, theatre, performance, film or 'CreaTech'.

But I always feel that music is at the heart of everything I do…


Sound, rays or light is all vibration... is all music...

To make work that works you need harmony in you, your team and what you think, do or say. When one part is not in tune the work always suffers. 

It is sometimes hard to admit when a work or a player is discordant but we all know deep down when we are out of tune, out of step be it with our work or life and we are all looking for our music.

So today as I head off to WOMEX in Lisbon I feel blessed to be part of a community that also puts music at the heart of their life.

As music is my first love and it will be my last

#beinghuman #music #womex


