I was recently asked if I had any thoughts on Madonna’s Grammy ‘controversy’. My immediate reaction was a personal, post-pop, punk, posturizing... NO!
But my reaction interested me.
My next project TIME is about creative women, maidens, mothers or matriarchs, being seen and heard, and here is a woman, a creative woman, an older creative woman who is seen and heard and here’s me, a less famous woman, yet a creative woman, an older creative woman wanting women to be seen and heard and I am not interested?
In reaction to the recent Grammy ‘controversy’, Madonna cited ageism and misogyny seeing herself as a “subversive”, who “pushes boundaries”.
We do live in an ageist, misogynistic world and women do have a right to push, subvert and do whatever they like to their own body, including self-harm but her desire to defy life’s natural aging process does not defy ageism but perpetuates ageist agendas and the myth of eternal maidenhood.
Seeing a woman’s life and her experience in her face and in her body is for me an expression of female creativity, power and love or the abuse of it.
Sadly, no matter how “good” a face Madonna “puts on”, what I see is her denial, her disconnect and her disassociation from her inner matriarch.
I see a woman, a queen of pop culture, abusing herself, abusing her power and abusing her time.
How we women, maidens, mothers or matriarchs, want to be seen and heard is complex yet even if we don’t like what we see and hear, we still do need to be seen and heard.

#beinghuman #feminism #creative


