As soon as we come into the world, we start to cultivate & invest in an identity, something that makes me… me.

Life becomes a hotter, hotter, colder, colder game, like heat-seeking missiles we seek out what we like and avoid what we don’t like.

This view of ourselves and the world can lead to confusion as sooner or later, the game is no longer fun and our missile implodes.

But like ice and water, confusion is actually inseparable from wisdom. We just need to learn how to melt the ice.

We need to be brave, feel our emotions and let them thaw without being tempted to fix or freeze them.

Once our ice melts we can dive into the water of wisdom. Where everything is fleeting, flowing and open to possibility and so are we.

When we go beyond our likes and dislikes, emotions lose the power to disturb us and are simply precious; a precious part of our precious life here on our precious planet.

#beinghuman #creativity #wild


