People who believe that luck or chance determines what happens to them tend to be more depressed, less educated, have fewer teeth and even worse gums than those who don’t.

Our belief in luck is correlated to our locus of control. Locus of control is the extent to which we believe that life events are due to our own actions (internal locus of control) or to factors over which we have little influence (external locus of control).

Internal locus humans attribute their success or failures to their own efforts and abilities. External locus humans attribute success or failure to external factors, things outside of their control, such as other people, luck or fate.

The words we use are signs of where we sit on the locus of control spectrum. Those with an internal locus of control tend to use a first-person narrative and take responsibility. Those with an external locus of control tend to not to take responsibility and blame other people, circumstances or luck.

What we believe, feel and say is important.

As long as we make sure our locus of control doesn’t turn us into locus control freaks we are happier, healthier, wealthier and wiser…

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