By 2050 the number of older people in the world, and that will be you, young people will have doubled. Every second, two people on our precious planet celebrate their sixtieth birthday. For many of us longer life is real and the need to urgently change our attitude to ageing is real too.

We need to personally and collectively move from anxiety and avoidance to loving every stage of our precious human lives.

We need to deepen self-awareness and embark on a journey of simply being who we are, wherever we are in our life cycle.

Research shows that if we gather our knowledge and experience and explore how we can use it to embrace and enrich our later years and serve others, age can bring a deeper sense of contentment and appreciation of life.

If we resolve our past and find contentment in our present we can face each milestone as an opportunity to deepen our capacity for love, compassion and understanding.

And it’s never too late…never... even if you are in the music industry...

#beinghuman #experience #love


