
Human beings are drawn to different paths, different ways of being, feeling, knowing and doing that reflect our instincts, habits and predilections.

Some of us love to struggle, love hard work and love giving ourselves and others a hard time.

The highly intellectual of us love to think, to have ideas and often spend our lives in a labyrinth in our mind, getting lost in our maze of ideas as we try to find our way in life.

Some of us are lazy, simple or stupid. I think the benefits of being lazy, simple and stupid are often overlooked. This way of being lends itself to a tendency to not experience either too much or too little and this can be really useful.

Who we think we are, what we feel is our truth is not innate in us. Who we are reveals itself to us through how we participate in life and engage with any given circumstances at any given time. Our circumstances are always changing, so we are always changing as we choose how we react to what is happening, moment to moment.

Who we think we are is not stable or reliable. Who I am today is not who I was yesterday or will be tomorrow. We are all frauds, constantly stealing our identity from any given circumstances.

When we really get this, we can KISS every day and enjoy the journey of life, the ups, downs and in-betweens, liberated from our sense of who we think we are, who we think we should be, what we think we can do and that makes space for real magic to happen.

#life #work #identity


