We are all basically good.

No matter what we have thought, said or done in our lives, we have a basic goodness at our core and the potential to make any moment good no matter how bad we feel.

But when our heart, our inner space is filled with pain, what we see, hear and feel is filtered through that pain and it's hard to be kind to ourselves and others.

To alleviate our pain, we simply need to give access to the camera, location and microphone on our inner smart phone and give ourselves permission to open to our inner goodness, inner wisdom and infinite possibility,

Then let go of trying to control, manipulate and simply take a moment to let life be. Then even if we are in pain if we are aware, we can find the lesson, the good in any situation.

And there is always something good at anytime, anyplace or with anybody no matter how bad it seems in the school of life.

#beinghuman #selfawareness #psychology


