We begin life seeking out our mother’s face, and until our last breath, whether we know it or not, we carry this longing for intimate connection.

No one seeks to suffer, yet sooner or later we all do… suffer…

Life can teach us to withdraw and protect ourselves from suffering but we humans are wired to connect and if we become over-sensitive, over-protective, too withdrawn we become deeply unhappy.

So, the challenge is to develop curiosity rather than fear about the people, places and problems that cause us to suffer.

When we gently slow and pause our breath, when we touch and stroke our skin, we regulate our nervous system, our mind takes cues from our body, feels safe and relaxes. Our bodies help us trust our ability to stay connected to our experience, even to suffering, even when it is hard.

When we suffer, we feel disappointed and lose trust in ourselves and others. But if we can see our shared humanity, especially when it is hidden by our differences, if we can be patient, open, loving, kinder to ourselves and others we feel less disappointed, less lonely and more trusting. If we focus more on helping alleviate others’ suffering rather than our own, this selfless act is actually the most selfish thing we can do.

We all want to withdraw and protect but if we can stay open, stay present and feel more, we and our future can survive and thrive.

#beinghuman #mindfulness #kindness


