The tech industry loves the ego. 

The concept of the ego drives a multi trillion dollar global industry.

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Amazon, Netflix, Apple et al… love to help us build brand me. My account, my handle, my likes, my dislikes, my image, my business, my beliefs and of course my money-making data.

Though we need a healthy ego to operate in the world, to be unique, to be aware to know who we are and what we were put here to do. We also need to be aware of the limitations of our ego, to be aware of what it is for and what it is not for and to be aware when it gets sick. 

And tech has exposed our ego to a global pandemic, a threat to our mental health and sanity that is unprecedented in the history of our species.

A sick ego loves to feel superior, elite, exclusive and is greedy. A sick ego is never content, happy or peaceful and the tech industry dominated by 98% male, elitist, educated founders knows and exploits this to win the global battle of hearts and minds and make those trillions.

The tech industry knows that keeping us wanting, unhappy, divided and discontent keeps us online, keeps us working in the data factory and keeps the trillions of dollars coming.

The industry’s AI is built with superiority, bias, prejudice and greed at it’s core, creating artificial, stupid, machine taught, out of control money making robots that feed our ego an unhealthy tech diet. It is hard for even the healthiest ego to resist the constant, persistent manipulation of our subconscious but not impossible…

Remember today as we all use the tools technology brings us and don’t get me wrong, those tools can be used with great intent, to stay in awareness, to stay alert and to spend at least half your time off a screen…challenging right. 

Sleep will save humanity!

#brand #technology #data


