We all think we want security, certainty and stability in life but actually chaos, uncertainty and change are the only true certainties.

Change happens all the time. We can either cling to the myth of security or choose to feel exposed, like a baby, born naked staring at our bright, vivid life.

Chaos is a powerful teacher but we predictable humans love to avoid discomfort. If we don’t like someone, somewhere or something, we run, hide or attack. We need to learn to be brave, to be ok with uncertainty, to be ok with chaos, to be ok feeling unsure and to be ok not knowing what to do, say or think.

By letting ourselves feel raw, tender, open we begin to learn the meaning of life, the meaning of each moment.

Problems tend to make us small. We feel miserable, feel like we are victims, pathetic, hopeless cases. But if we drop the complaints about ourselves, our situation and others, problems have the power to wake us up & make us happy.

So, the next time chaos makes your ground feel unstable, don’t consider it an obstacle, consider it a stroke of luck, an opportunity to feel and embrace the movement of life.

Go to places that scare you, make poison your medicine, stop trying to avoid chaos and regard what arises as energy, the energy that has the power to change you, the power to change your life.

#beinghuman #energy #teacher


