In the bank balance of life, we often audit our visible assets but what about our invisible assets?

We value visible assets like property, possessions or cash but we don’t always appreciate the invisible assets like love, peace of mind, friends, family or a connection to nature.

There are so many aspects to abundance and success but our culture tends to have a very narrow definition. We’re hyper-fixated on fame, power and money.

In our culture, if we make a lot of money even if we are a terrible, miserable, lonely person we are respected. But while one person may have an abundance of money, others may have an abundance of talent or friendships. An abundance of talents may bring the gift of others' appreciation or an abundance of friends may bring the gift of support.

If you have done a life audit of your visible and invisible assets, you don’t have to trade peace of mind, love, friendships, talent or connection to make money. You just need to widen your focus and cultivate gratitude to become a truly successful human.

To become true masters of abundance we need to redefine what abundance means and develop a more holistic approach to our assets and our life.

#beinghuman #success #money


